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Sub Saharan Africa International Petroleum Exhibition and Conference   

Eko Convention Center, Lagos, Nigeria
10-12 February 2026


Nigerian Association of Petroleum Explorationists

Stand: Q18
The Nigerian Association of Petroleum Explorationists started as Lagos Society of Geologist and Geophysicist from the idea of a young man named Akomeno Oteri, who felt it was desirable to have such a professional society for furthering both social and technical interaction among professional colleagues. The idea was developed after he attended one of the monthly meetings of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists in Dallas USA.
The name later changed to the Nigerian Association of Petroleum Explorationists (NAPE) to accommodate colleagues in other parts of the country. The society which started with only 10 people attending the inaugural meeting at Federal Palace Hotel in August 1975 now has over 12,000 individual members and about 100 supporting corporate members.
NAPE is the largest professional association of petroleum geoscientists and related disciplines in Nigeria and Africa. Members include geologists, geophysicists, CEOs, managers, consultants, students and academicians.
Vision To be the preferred professional petroleum geosciences Association with a global reach. Mission To promote the study and practice of petroleum geosciences for the benefit of members and other stakeholders.

Key objectives of NAPE
✓ Advance geosciences, especially as they relate to petroleum resources
✓ Promote the technology of exploring for, exploiting, and producing petroleum
✓ Inspire and maintain a high standard of professional conduct on the part of its members
✓ Provide the public with means of recognition of adequately trained and responsible petroleum professionals
✓ Advance the professional well-being of its members
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