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Sub Saharan Africa International Petroleum Exhibition and Conference   

Eko Convention Center, Lagos, Nigeria
10-12 February 2026


Laser Engineering Oil & Gas Services at a Glance

Laser Engineering & Resources Consultants Limited Stand: H17

What Services We Specialize in.

1. Well Intervention (Slickline). Our range of equipment varies from a truck mounted slickline unit, K-winch combo slickline unit, 4 dependent slickline unit with their power packs, compressor unit, variant gauges, etc.

  • In this department, we render services in BHP survey using memory gauges, gas lift operation, well completion, tubing measurement and calibration, swabbing, wax cutting, sand bailing, ETC.

2. Well Reservoir Management. Our various software and expertise includes but not limited to Techlog, PETREL, ECLIPSE, INTERSECT, Dynamic Simulations, ETC. 

  • In this department, we render sevices in Seismic & Quantitative Interpretation, Geological Modelling, Petropysical Evaluation (Open & Cased Hole Evaluation), Reservoir Simulation Studies, Well Test Analysis & other Single Well Studies, Production Systems Optimization/Well Problem Diagnosis, Integrated Field Development Well Studies, Field Development Planning.

3. PVT Laboratory. Our PVT lab has up to 20 equipment of various functions, such as Vinci cell, Chandler Cell and DBR Cell for Hydrocarbon fluid characterization, a Mini Modular Refinery, Reservoir Fluid Particle Analyzer, Eraspec, Recombination Cell, Electromagnetic Viscometer, Flash Point Tester, ETC.

  • In this department, we handle Surface and Sub-Surface Hydrocarbon Fluid Sampling, Sample Storage and Handling, Oil & Gas Condensate PVT Studies, Flow Assurance Studies, Fluids Compability Studies, Oil Fingerprinting/Geochemical Analysis, Comprehensive Crude Assay Analysis, Gas Assay Analysis, Advanced PVT Studies (Single & Multiple Miscibility Studies), ETC.

4. Environmental Laboratory. Our Environmental Lab has over 10 equipment of various functions such as Microwave Plasma Atomic Emmission Spectrometer - MPAES, Gas Chromatograph for both Flame Ionization Detector and Mass Spectrometer, Salt in Crude Analyzer, Water Content Analyzer, UV Spectrometer, Pressure & Temperature Calibrators, ETC.

  • In this department, we handle Water Portability Testing, Produced Water Compatibility Studies, Soil Analysis, Air Analysis, Crude Oil Biomarker Fingerprinting, Microbiology Analysis, Calibration Services, Food and Beverage Analysis, Environmental Consultancy Analysis, ETC.

5. Research Development & Incubation. Our RD&I equipment enlists a Core Flooding System, Capillary Pressure, X-Ray Diffractometer, Saturator, Sonic Separator, Mill Mcrone, ETC.

  • This department oversees Enhanced Oil Recovery, Relative Permeability Measurement (Steady and Unsteady State), Wettability Studies, Capillary Pressure Desaturation, Surface & Interfacial Tension, X-Ray Diffraction, Particle Size Analysis, Minimum Miscibility Pressure (using slim tube apparatus) and other Core Analysis.

6. Manpower Development (Laser Petroleum Geoscience School & Short Courses). Our Geoscience school has various conducive classrooms to effectively and efficiently lecture as much as over 70 students at a go.

  • This department offers courses in Petroleum Geoscience Training Programme, PVT Laboratory Training Programme, Production Engineering Training Programme, Drilling & Subsurface Training Programme, Chemical and Environmental Laboratory Training, Principles and Application of Paleontology in E&P, Professional National Innovative Diploma in Analytical Science & Technology (PNIDAST), ETC
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